

Kuituklubin ensimmäinen lähetys saapui. Kyseessä on noin 120 g merinovillatopsia värissä "Iltasatu". Nyt tarvitseekin vain unihiekkaa tämän kehräämiseen?

This is the first package of Finnish fiber club, called "Bedtime story". It is about 120 grams of merino and the colour is lovely. All I need to do now is to figure out how I spin it :).

Meillä otetaan myös elämästä kaikki irti.

Life is quite good around here.


Tour de Fleece week 2

(Vain englanniksi tällä viikolla, olen sairaana enkä jaksa ajatella asiaa kahdella kielellä)
Last weekend I finally decided to dye some wool for myself. I have quite a lot of white basic wool in my closet (for example 1 kilo of shetland) and I wasn't feeling like spinning white 3-ply quite yet.
This one is interesting, it is by Novita, a Finnish yarn manufacturer. It is Hahtuvainen and meant for felting but I wanted to try to spin it, so I got out my pure white version of it and dyed it to make things more interesting.

Result is rather lovely. Spinning the Hahtuvainen was really easy and the yarn is quite pleasing. It is not as soft as some merino and polwarth I've touched, but there is nothing wrong with it either.
This is the blue faced leicester from the top picture. The sheen is real and the wool is lovely and it practically spins itself without any predrafting. (I did predraft this though since I was watching TV while spinning the yarn).
This is what you get when you try to learn to spin thick yarn. I've still a new spinner since all I manage to spin pleasingly is quite thin yarn. My attempts at thicker singles are rather uneven, in all possible ways.

Some lilac merino I got as a Christmas present from Villasatu. The top was almost solid and I love the resulting yarn.

This is some more of he dyeing works of last weekend, I wonder when I'll finish all of these?


Toiset osaa ja toiset ei

Edellisen viestin alpakkasilkki vasemmalla (Ilun My boy lollipop jos muistan oikein) ja oikealla Juulin värjäämää merinoa. Onnistuneet värit ja sen sellaista.

The alpaca silk from last post on left (dyed by Ilu) and on right some merino dyed by Juuli. The colours are beautiful and so on.

Tässä amatööri (zeska ja erilaista merinoa yms) asialla. Aika mielenkiintoinen värikokemus, värjäsin jo päälle sinisellä, palataan asiaan kun langat ovat kuivuneet.

Some merino dyed by an amateur (zeska herself). Quite an interesting colour experience. I dyed over this mess with blue already, I'll return with this once it has dried.


Tour de Fleece

Tour de fleece Ravelryssä on palauttanut taas kehruun päiväohjelmaani. Valitettavasti illalla alkaa olla jo liian pimeä valokuvata upeaa silkkialpakkasekoitetta niin saavutusten dokumentointi jääköön vajavaiseksi.



Osallistun oheisella kuvalla Ullan kuvahaasteeseen. Kuvassa on kaikkein rakkain WIP Ullasta, uusin Ulla!

(This is for photo challenge with them for "WIP from Ulla" and this is my dearest WIP of them all, the new issue.)


Sisustusta - Innerizing

Tästä se alkoi, makuuhuoneemme uudelleensisustus. Tilanne oli hetken aikaa melkoisen epätoivoinenkin, mutta jaksoimme jatkaa.

This is where it started, redecorating our bedroom. It seemed little deperate for a while, but we kept going on.

Perheen miesväki suhtautui hommaan kaikella sen vaatimalla energialla ja hartaudella.

The men in the family took the job with all the energy and devotion needed.

Lopputulos on kuitenkin hieno!!

I love the result!!