Nämä sukat piti blogata jo vuosi sitten. Silloinkin olisin blogannut ne jo toistamiseen, sillä kerran blogasin ne vanhempaan blogiini. Näissä on lankana Novitan Wool - se merinoinen versio. Sukat ovat melkein kaksi vuotta vanhat ja alunperin tein ne harjoitellakseni tiimalasikantapäätä, kuvittelin etteivät kestäisi kovin pitkään. Väri oli kamala harmahtavanbeigehtävä, joten vuoden käytettyäni koolaidasin ne. Nyt on taas melkein vuosi takana käyttöä, ulkokengissäkin ja konepesuja 40-60 asteessa. Milloinkohan nämä kuluvat puhki?
(This is a rant about the quality of Wool today. These socks are made of an older lot of the yarn that was merino wool. They are now two years old and doing great, no holes or anything. I wonder when they'll wear out, I only made them to practice the short-row-heel.)
Hassua, itse sain merinowoolista tehdyt sukkani puhki parissa kuukaudessa :D. Mitäs jalkarasvaa sä käytät?? :D
Maybe it's a consequence of the outrageous popularity of knitting that's driving the appearance of lesser yarns. All we can do is to put the word out about the good and the bad.
They're lovely, experimental or no. I wish I could get a pair of socks to last two years; guess I'd better start using handspun, you think? Very pretty, anyway...
Suzanne: You notice it also in foreign yarns? I've felt like only this one Finnish company is letting me down, but I don't know. I have some older wool yarn that is softer than anything I've seen in stores for a few years.
There has been some speculation what I do to my socks to make them last. I really don't have the slightest idea and not all socks last two years, but some seem to last for ever. I have about 8 pairs of socks in active use, I use each pair for a few days inside, then it goes to outside duty (to be worn inside my leather shoes for warmth, I don't do winter shoes really) for another few days and then it goes to the washing machine. I generally use 40 or 60 degrees celcius depending what else is in the laundry. I don't use any fabric softener. And the grease I use for my feet is "Maken mehiläisvahavoide", a lotion based on beeswax. I think you can get it only in Finland and it contains oil, water and beeswax, nothing else. Great stuff anyhow :). You might be able to find something similar from some honey producer, it is really basic.
Susanna: Maken mehiläistilan jalkarasvoja saa monista luontaistuotekaupoista, suosittelen :).
sheepspyjamas: handspun might be the way to go, I haven't tested that myself yet. I'm still waiting to buy my new spinning wheel (I'm doing ti like next week) and with my current wheel it is little bit difficult to spin anything in large amounts. Currently Opal rainforest sock yarn seems to be holding together best of the yarns I've used.
Thank you for the nice words about the socks :).
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