A sweater for DH. It took about 500 g of Novitas thin 2-ply Florica held double. I think the size is somewhere around S/M, could have been a little smaller. Whilst waiting for the curse to land on me, I'm going to finish of my shawl. Hints for knitting a sweater like this can be found in the raglan pattern. Only real and large change I made was to change the addition of stitches in the v-neck to every right side row instead of every fourth row. Luckily I did it, since otherwise you would have been able to see his belly button in this.
I fear no curses
A sweater for DH. It took about 500 g of Novitas thin 2-ply Florica held double. I think the size is somewhere around S/M, could have been a little smaller. Whilst waiting for the curse to land on me, I'm going to finish of my shawl. Hints for knitting a sweater like this can be found in the raglan pattern. Only real and large change I made was to change the addition of stitches in the v-neck to every right side row instead of every fourth row. Luckily I did it, since otherwise you would have been able to see his belly button in this.
Ihana paita. Mietiskelen vieläkin, millaisen neuleen voisin tehdä omalle kullalleni. Tuommoinen olis tosi kiva, mut tuskin istuisi... Sulla ehkä olis ideoita? Tonilla on kovin vaikea tyyli...
Mulle tulisi mieleen äkkiseltään jostain paksuhkosta puuvillasta neulottu vaalea huppari.. ehkä joillain palmikoilla?
I love the colors and the striping pattern that you chose. Did you just wing it on the stripes, or is there an underlying mathematical logic.
I just winged the stripes, but if there is an undelying pattern, it would be nice to hear of. The stripes were knitted based on a) what would look good next and b) I needed to use slightly more of the green yarn since I didn't have equal amounts of both colours. I started the first three stripes with
but I got bored with following pattern =).
Hmm. Mä en ihan onnistu hahmottamaan tätä puuvillahuppari-visiota. Vaalea voisi kieltämättä olla hyvä. Palmikot... hmm. ehkä. Mut huppari jossa on palmikot... täh?
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