Mieheltäni sain syntymäpäivälahjaksi tämän kaulakorun, kiitos!
I got this necklace as a birthday present from my DH. It is a special edition pendant by a Finnish jewelery company and was sold only for one day.

Marjut brought me yarn from Iceland for my birthday, two violet and two green balls of combed wool yarn and four balls of thin lopi.

For myself I got this Zip-it bag from Italy. The idea is intriguing and suprisingly useable, I've been using this all week now.

From Uruguay DHL delivered these lovely lace yarns for me and Marjut. These are my four skeins, the skeins Marjut got you can find elsewhere.

Discontinued and discounted must be the easiest way to make a knitter buy some yarn. A kilo of this Colinette skye flew over here - and another to stay with a fellow blogger.

I've always hated to knit with anything else than wool, were it cotton, silk or acryl. Somehow I managed to buy this lot of plant fiber yarns from handcraft fair. In the bottom row there is linen from Raijan aitta, hemp from Titityy, more hemp from Titityy and then linen from Lappajärven värjäämö.

Sisustuskirja tarttui Suuren käsityölehden 6 kuukauden tilauksen kylkiäisinä, vuosiin sitä lehteä ei ole minulle tullut mutta viimeisin irtonumero oli onnistunut ja päätin kokeilla jos lehti jatkossa innostaisi.
This indoor decorating book I got as a bonus for subscribing a Finnish craft magazine I haven't subscribed for years, but the latest issue was really nice and I decided to give it a chance for 6 months.

I also bought a lovely pendant by Ihania and a pair of cat earrings by Valpuri.

Since you cannot have too many bags and I really don't even have any smaller bags, I decided to buy this one by Aurora lahja. It has two sections and nice and proper strap so it can carry everything I need to take to work with me. It also has a cute little kitten attached to one of the zippers.

Then I just had to get some more Shibui yarn, the one on the left will be some lovely shawl and the one on the right will be moving into my safe and nice sock yarnstash.

VAROITUS: Lankamäärät tässä blogauksessa eivät vastaa todellisia ja niitä saattaa todellisuudessa olla enemmän kuin kuvissa näkyy.
I also picked up some other yarns (Colinette Cadenza, Regia Kaffe Fasset 6-ply and Handmaiden Casbah) and a set of 2,25 mm dpns. Only thing I would still have wanted to get would have been some Harmony circular needles in sizes they don't have in the intechangeable set.
WARNING: The amounts of yarn in this blog don't correspond to actual amounts and there may be more in reality than in the pictures.